Friday, June 7, 2013


Machine operators in the field often have to do on-the-spot maintenance. If they don't have the right bolt for one machine the whole operation could come to a halt. It is impossible to carry a spare of every fastener they might ever need. What they need is a single option that could get them working again until the real parts could be found.

The ETI BolTight system becomes what ever bolt you need. Simply place the BolTight anchor into the hole and inject the non-stick epoxy through the center lumen. Hold for 3 minutes. Now your back to work. In 4 days when the real bolt comes in, loosen the BolTight system with the bolt head. Remove and replace with factory part. The operator never missed a beat.

This is a $500,000 dollar idea. Although it is unique enough to be marketable it does not have the market size required to get to the full million. Every guy in the field might put one in their box but they will only need them once a year. There is also a concern about the self life of the epoxy components. If they rattle around in back of someone's pickup for 3 summers, will it still work.

Thanks to Sean for talking this one out with me.

Till next time - Keep inventing

1 comment:

  1. Bro, we have GOT to connect! Your ideas are amazing and you set the curve for altruism. I tossed some of my stuff on here. There is some more on Face Book.
